5.3 Cu. Ft. 11-Cycle Top-Loading Washer - White5.3 Cu. Ft. 11-Cycle Top-Loading Washer - White5.3 Cu. Ft. 11-Cycle Top-Loading Washer - White5.3 Cu. Ft. 11-Cycle Top-Loading Washer - White

5.3 Cu. Ft. 11-Cycle Top-Loading Washer - White

$240.43  $192.34
Save: 20%

  • Model: M00073
  • Availability :In Stock
Large 5.3 cu. ft. capacity Accommodates large loads to help save you time and energy. 11 wash cycles for customized cleaning Lets you choose the right cycle for your load. Includes Cold Wash, Normal, Rinse and Spin, Powerwash, Soak and more. 5 temperature settings to suit a variety of fabrics...
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Large 5.3 cu. ft. capacity

Accommodates large loads to help save you time and energy.

11 wash cycles for customized cleaning

Lets you choose the right cycle for your load. Includes Cold Wash, Normal, Rinse and Spin, Powerwash, Soak and more.

5 temperature settings to suit a variety of fabrics

Include cold, cool, hot, warm, warmer (all cold rinses) to accommodate the washing needs of durable and delicate clothing.

Rinse + spin option

Allows you to rinse and spin a load separately from a regular cycle to prevent fresh stains from setting in fabrics. Soak option increases the cycle time, providing additional time for the clothing to soak.

Top-load design

Lets you load and unload from a standing position. Plus, you can easily add forgotten items to the load once it's started.

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